Joysure Translation Co., Ltd
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About Us
Patent Translation Legal Translation Localization Audio/Vedio Translation
Joysure Translations is a language translation services company based in Shangha, China, specializing in providing translation services mainly for patent, medical, scientific and technical translation in English, Chinese and Japanese languages. Since the founding by graduates from one of the most famous universities in China in 2009, we have helped IP agencies and high-tech firms in China and overseas successfully translate several thousands of documents over the last 5 years.
选择普传翻译的五个理由 Our "Four W's and One H" make us a trustworthy and qualified overseas partner for oursourcing your Chinese-English and Japanese-English translation needs!
here we are based enables us to provide prices at least half those of your local translation companies.
Joysure Translation is based in China, the world's largest developing country and fastest-growing market for the intellectual property business. Praised as "the world's factory", China is known for a low standard of living and low-cost labor. In fact, according to the results of our previous survey conducted through searching on the Internet, our price is averagely a quarter to half the prices provided at translation companies in EU, US, Japan and other developed countries.
ho translate your documents are all experienced experts.
China is also the most populated country in the world. In China, about 5 million students graduate from their universities every year. Among them, a small part will go abroad for higher degrees of education. In this small part, a yet small portion will come back to China after they have graduated from the local colleges or have worked for several years in the countries, just like the case of our founders. These bilingual talents go to every field of industries in China and some of them who have high foreign language skill and at least a few years' experience in translation, and what is most important, have passed our strict recruitment procedure, are working for us as freelance or as salaried translators. They are the best translators for technical translation services, because they are not only experts who hold advanced degrees in industrial engineering, mechanical engineering, chemical engineering, electrical engineering, computer science, life sciences, medicine and other technical fields, but also linguists an important part of whose daily job is to present their ideas and work in Chinese and foreign languages.
hy we focus only on the languages that we use ensures a consistently high level of quality.
Unlike many other translation companies who declare the capacity of handling most major languages in the world while routinely struggling with problems caused by lack of ability of quality control over both translated documents and translators in some or even many of the declared languages and suffering from the severe consequences such as uneven quality, missed deadlines, and even potential breaches of confidentiality, we prefer to focus solely on the languages that we use, i.e., Chinese, English, and Japanese.
hat the degree of care we take is can always keep your documents in confidence.
Many documents we have translated are mostly those obtainable when searched on the Internet (e.g., PCT patent documents), but we concern much on the data security issue and have applied several measures in this regard in our daily practice, for example, setting dynamic passwords for working files, transmitting documents with passwords, signing confidentiality agreements with translators, storing digital copies on a separate dedicated HDD that is locked in a safe place and not allowed to be taken out without approval. In addition, while all of our current translators have signed a general confidentiality contract with us for all commissioned documents, upon customer's request, we can work out a separate dedicated confidentiality contract and sign it with each of the involved translators.
ow we operate minimizes errors.
For any translation project, we follow the steps as below to assure reliable quality:
1) a translator with background matched to the technical field of the project is assigned by a project manager who is responsible for coordination of overall scheduling and management;
2) another sophisticated translator checks the finished document from the beginning to the end to minimize the chance of errors or omissions;
3) the project manager does a proofreading;
4) an editor performs a final check on formatting and consistency.

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